
What is Medicare?

Medicare is government-funded insurance for people over the age of 65 who have paid Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) for 40 quarters, the equivalent of 10 years. You have 6 months to enroll for Medicare Part A and Part B within three months of your 65th birthday: (three months before you turn 65 and three months after you turn 65). Contact Eli today for more details.


Phone Number: 718-384-4159

See below some sample breakdowns of the hidden Medicare gaps


Supplemental Insurance

Since there are many serious gaps in Medicare coverage - that YOU are responsible to pay →

You need supplemental insurance to ensure that you are completely covered.

Hospitalization Sample WITHOUT Supplemental Insurance:

First 60 Days

( Upon Admission )
You Pay
$1,316 deductible

61 to 90 Days

You Pay
($329 per day x 30 days)

91 to 150 Days

You Pay
($658 per day x 60)

Over 150 Days

YOU are responsible.

Short term Nursing Care Facility WITHOUT Supplemental Insurance:

10-20 days

Fully covered

21-100 Days

You Pay

(164.50 x 80 days)

Over 100 Days

NO Coverage

YOU are responsible

There are many more gaps!

Choose your supplemental insurance wisely, so you are completely covered!

Here's why:

  • 90% of health benefits are used during the last 10 to 20 years of your life.
  • Medicare coverage is capped and all your assets are at risk.
  • With so many different supplemental policy options, even intelligent people make the wrong decision.

What You Should NOT Buy:

Medicare Advantage Plans

You may have heard of the Advantage Plan – (Part C) – to substitute Medicare.

Medicare Advantage promises $0 premium for managed care

But all you get is:

Disadvantaged care!

Here's why:

  • You surrender the biggest Medicare benefit of all, which gives you the freedom of choice, to select any doctor / hospitals, without any referral, in all 50 States.
  • You agree to visit only doctors and hospitals that are in-network, only with a referral from your primary doctor.
  • Your treatment and services are decided by the large insurance companies.
  • The insurance company can and does override doctors and denies coverage for tests or treatments.

What You SHOULD Buy:

Plan F: Supplemental Insurance

The Benefit:

Your assets are protected.

Supplemental Insurance covers:

  • All the gaps for Medicare Part A and Part B.
  • The difference between what your doctor will charge and what Medicare pays.
  • All medical expenses while traveling outside the US (up to $50,000). Medicare covers only within the USA.
  • You have the freedom to choose any doctor or hospital in all 50 states
  • Your treatments and services are decided by your doctor, NOT by the insurance company and many more coverage benefits

Pay as little as


for a Medicare supplement!

*price subject to change based on policy zip code

Click here to see pricing in all NY regions


There are many supplemental insurance policies available.

Choosing the right policy for you can be very confusing

Eli has done the research for you.
Contact Eli to select the right supplemental plan for you.
Remember, your health is your wealth!